We want children to be in school so that they are able to learn.  As a parent / carer, you have the legal responsibility to get your child into school on time.  Our whole school target is 97% attendance throughout the year.  At the end of each half term, children are awarded with prizes if they achieve 100% attendance.  Children with 97%+ attendance for the academic year are entered into a prize draw to win a £100, £50 or £25 voucher.

We are in constant contact with the Local Authority and the school attendance service.  We monitor children's ongoing attendance and if concerns are identified, the Local Authority may be contacted and additional actions may be undertaken. 

Parents / carers are communicated with through the process; our main aim is for children to be in school learning.  We know that sometimes families find it difficult to get into school.  Let us know, as we are here to help you! 

Please see our school Attendance Policy on the Safeguarding policies page.

Here is Hounslow Local Authority's information regarding issuing of a Penalty Notice.

Should you need to request a leave of absence for your child, please use the form below and pass it to the school office.

Leave of absence request

Updated: 19/12/2023 262 KB