Professional athlete visit

Updated: 17/04/2024 419 KB

A huge congratulation to the children who took part in cross country on Thursday 9th November. Their motivation and enthusiasm was outstanding! They had a great time and cheered each other on through the races! They all tried their absolute best even in the freezing cold, we are so proud of them!

We had an amazing time at the Year 3 and 4 badminton festival on Tuesday 14 November! The children enjoyed learning lots of new skills and were eager to try them out! We took part in a carousel which involved ten different activities, and I was very impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and participation!

Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic Fundamental movement skills Gymnastics & Fundamental movement skills Dance Target & Invasion games Athletics + Net & Wall games  Striking and fielding
R Dance: Nursery Rhymes Fundamental Movement Skills Dance: The Seasons Target Games: Throwing Skills Locomotion & Jumping Skills Net & Wall Game Skills


Movement skills 1 Bouncing, Jumping & Landing - Movement skills 2 Animal themed dance - Object manipulation level 2 Target Games - Invasion Games Athletics level 2 - Net and Wall games level 1 Striking and fielding Skills
2 Movement skills level 3 Pathways, Zigzags and curving / Tennis (Dukes Meadows) Fire of London themed Dance - Yoga (stories) Target Games level 3 - Invasion games level 2 Athletics 2 - Net and Wall games 2 Striking and fielding games 2 - Gymnastics - spinning, turning & twisting
Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic Dance + Invasion Games Dance + Invasion Games Gymnastics / Health / Invasion Games Dance and Invasion Games Athletics / Net & Wall Games Striking & Fielding + OAA / Swimming (Y4)
3 Dance - space / Tennis (Dukes Meadows) Linking movements together / Tennis (Dukes Meadows) Receiving body weight - Health related fitness Handball - Dance Athletics - Badminton Rounders - OAA
4 Dance - Romans / Tennis (Dukes Meadows) Arching and Bridges Rolling and Travelling low / Health elated fitness Tag Rugby / Dance Athletics / Tennis Cricket + OAA / Swimming
Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic Invasion games / Swimming Dance & Invasion games / Swimming Gymnastics & OAA / Swimming  Gymnastics & Net + Wall games / Swimming Athletics & Invasion & Net + wall / Swimming Striking & Fielding / Invasion games / Swimming (Y5)
5 Invasion Games level 4 / Swimming Dance - The Haka / Swimming Matching, Mirroring Contrasting / Swimming Badminton / Swimming Athletics and Football / Swimming Rounders & Netball / Swimming
6 Hockey / Swimming Dance through the ages / Swimming Counter balance and Counter tension / Swimming Flight / Swimming Athletics / Tennis / Swimming Cricket and OAA / Football

Sport and PE Primary National Curriculum program of study

Updated: 03/05/2023 112 KB

The William Hogarth School PE curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sporting activities and educates them through skill-based activities. Within our curriculum, we educate our pupils about how to stay fit and healthy and the importance of doing so. Overall, our pupils enjoy physical activity, which will inspire their future participation.


At The William Hogarth School, our children take part in 2 hours of PE lessons every week. These lessons are coherent across the school, as we use the PE Passport curriculum to plan and deliver all PE lessons.

Building on this, our pupils participate in active play times through our teachers and support staff facilitating this during break times. We have implemented Play Leaders from year 5 and 6, who have volunteered to go into EYFS and Years 1, 2 and 3 to run fun games and activities to get every child active and involved in purposeful play.

Also, to further supplement children’s physical activity in school and after school, we have established after school clubs (football, parkour, martial arts, and dance), we have also had external coaches come in to deliver tennis sessions to Year 3 and 4 and some of our pupils have participated in inter-school competitions.

The curriculum has been designed to encompass a range of extra modules to broaden our pupils’ experiences, while ensuring that all National Curriculum expectations for PE in Key Stage 1 and 2 are met. Our expectations are as follows:

Key Stage 1

Our pupils develop their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They do so by engaging in competitive and co-operative physical activities.

Key Stage 2

Our pupils will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills and practise them in different ways and linking them to create sequences of movement. Communication, collaboration and competition with others are skills that are integrated into each lesson. Within Key Stage 2, our pupils begin self-evaluating their performance and thinking about how they can improve.