RSE Curriculum

Updated: 04/07/2022 434 KB

At The William Hogarth School, positive relationships are vital to our school values and our successes. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is lifelong learning about relationships, emotions, looking after ourselves, different families, sex, sexuality and sexual health. We aim for the children in our school to acquire the appropriate knowledge, develop their skills and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes. RSE has a key part to play in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of young people.

A child at The William Hogarth School will be exposed to a variety of teaching and learning strategies, which encourage participation, with opportunities for pupils to develop critical thinking and relationship skills. Using the acclaimed Jigsaw scheme, we focus on RSE predominantly in the Summer term. Each year group follows the Relationships and Changing Me units during this time.

The Key Stage 1 units are predominantly focussed on answering key questions such as:

  • What is a family?
  • Who can I ask for help when I am worried?
  • How has my body changed since I was a baby?
  • What are the correct names for my body parts?

Year 3:

This year group’s units are predominantly focussed on answering key questions such as:

  • What role do members of a family play?
  • How can I be a good global citizen?
  • How do babies grow?
  • What changes do boys and girls go through when getting older?

Year 4:

This year group’s units are predominantly focussed on answering key questions such as:

  • How do people feel when they lose someone they love?
  • What makes a good relationship?
  • Why does a girl begin menstruation?
  • Why does my body change as I get older?

Year 5:

This year group’s units are predominantly focussed on answering key questions such as:

  • Why do people have girlfriends or boyfriends?
  • How can I stay safe online when communicating with friends?
  • Why is my body changing?
  • What is reproduction?

Year 6:

This year group’s units are predominantly focussed on answering key questions such as:

  • How does it feel when someone dies or leaves us?
  • How do I recognise someone trying to have power over me?
  • What questions do I need to ask about puberty?
  • Why does being attracted to someone change the nature of our relationship?

Through our RSE curriculum at The William Hogarth School, we believe we can enhance children’s education and help them to become confident individuals who have positive body awareness, an in-depth knowledge of how to keep themselves safe and healthy and who will, through respect, tolerance and understanding, forge and maintain positive relationships with a diverse range of family and friendship groups. Our school value of ‘Togetherness’ and half termly celebration of this value exemplifies the positive approach to relationships that is fostered in our school community.