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Our SENDCo is
Mrs K Luciani

The William Hogarth School is an inclusive school and we make every effort to ensure children with additional needs and English as an additional language are fully included and take part in all aspects of learning.

We use the ASSESS, PLAN, DO, REVIEW cycle. And follow the guidelines set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0- 25 Years, and our policies adhere to The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2014 and Section 69 (2) of the Children and Families Act 2014

We recognise that all children have different and varying individual strengths and needs, and we work hard to  support their learning and keep up to date with latest research and training.   All children are welcome in our school community and their individual needs are celebrated. 

Class teachers work closely with the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator  (SENDCO)  to identify and support any pupils who may need extra support in the classroom. We use a selection of evidenced based classroom interventions to support children with additional needs and adapt as the first step in supporting them. Our Teaching Assistants take individual or group interventions throughout the day and are trained in Drawing and Talking, Phonics, Lego Therapy, Occupational Therapy Programmes and Speech and Language programmes.

We may seek further specialist support and advice from outside agencies such as Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language therapy, Behaviour Support and CAMHS when a child’s additional needs require more specific support. We also have access to advice and support from the Hounslow Educational Psychology Service and the SENSS advisory teachers at Hounslow.

Supporting parents of children with additional needs is very important to us and  we are readily available for meeting with parents who have any concerns about their child’s needs.

There are children with Education, Health and Care Plans in our school. If pupils are identified as having significant difficulties and will need additional support, with parents’ backing, we will begin Statutory Assessment of Special Educational Needs Process, possibly resulting in an Education Health and Care Plan issued by the Local Authority.   

SEND report and associated documents and policies

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Physical access to the school is discussed in the SEND report but covered in more detail in the Accessibility plan.

As the Local Offer is new, we will continue to review and develop these pages over time. It is our intention to continue to add information about services and providers to help you to find the services that you need.

Click here to for information on Hounslow's local offer 

This will give you a range of information, including details of EHC (Education, Health and Care) plans.




As part of our commitment to Special Education Needs we are taking part in the ROMBi Research Partner Programme.

A collection of primary schools, UK wide are participating in the programme; supporting research on the benefits of using the puzzle with teachers and pupils who have learning difficulties, disabilities or other challenges that affect learning.

To find out how it works, visit the ROMBi website