The William Hogarth School has ramped access to all classrooms on the ground floor which in the 2022-23 configuration covers Nursery and Reception (via their own entrance on Devonshire Street), Years 1,2,3 and 4 with years 5 & 6 being on an upper floor without lift access. If a child enrolled in these year groups living with a wheelchair this year group could swap location with year 3 or 4 with minimal disruption.

Accessibility to the cookery studio requires support (1 step) unless entering via the Nursery / Reception entrance.

There are disabled toilets designed for wheelchair use in both the Early years wing and year 3 and 4 wing.

Children requiring the use of or living with a wheelchair or be otherwise physically impaired therefor have unimpeded access to classrooms, toilet facilities and the assembly and dining halls, plus the playgrounds via ramp egress. Support will be provided where a step exists (Cookery)

Accessibility to curriculum through academic support is covered in the SEND Report

Accessibility plan

Updated: 22/02/2024 131 KB
Updated: 18/04/2023 125 KB