Lower Key Stage 2 - Monet
Claude Monet was born in 1849 and died in 1926. He was a founder of the Impressionist movement who set out to paint nature, especially outdoors, as they perceived it - capturing the mood created by the light or climate.
Sunset on the Seine at Lavercourt, Winter effect. By Claude Monet
Things we need to remember
Year | Planner reading record | P.E. / Swimming Kit | Library | Cooking Apron | Homework |
Monday | Signed | ||||
Tuesday | Signed | P.E. | |||
Wednesday | Signed | ||||
Thursday | Signed | Swimming | |||
Friday | Signed | Swimming kit home |
Spring Spellings
Spring Spellings - downloadable document
Year 3&4 Half termly curriculum documents
Our current class reading book
Useful mathematics definitions
Humanities Learning Resources
You might like to read these at home, discussing issues raised with an adult - You can even read ahead to help you in the class lessons.
Year 4 Geography
Year 4 History
Reading Challenge
Year 4 Multiplication Table Check
In June, children in year 4 will be participating in the multiplication tables check..
The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics.
Please follow the link below for more information.
Year 4 hard at work
Reading Challenge:
Top 100 Recommended Reads for Year 4
Common Exception Words Year 3/4
accident actual actually address answer appear arrive believe bicycle breath breathe build busy business calendar caught centre century certain circle complete consider |
continue decide describe different difficult disappear early earth eight eighth enough exercise experience experiment extreme famous February forward fruit grammar group
guard guide heard heart height history imagine increase important interest island knowledge learn length library material medicine mention minute natural naughty
notice occasion occasionally often opposite ordinary particular peculiar perhaps popular position possession possess possible potatoes pressure probably promise purpose quarter question
recent regular reign remember sentence separate special straight strange strength suppose surprise therefore though although thought through various weight woman women
Useful websites:
Top Marks https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
My Maths http://www.mymaths.co.uk