The P.E. and Sports premium is money the school receives in addition to its statutory funding. It is paid as a grant by the Secretary of State for Education under Section 14 of the Education act 2002.

The payment is intended to be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of P.E. and sports for the benefit of pupils and to encourage the development of healthy lifestyles.

At The William Hogarth School, this is used to help fund after school clubs with clubs including football, netball, gymnastics and multi skills being held throughout the year. It also helps to fund the participation in Inter-school sports tournaments and then it is used to purchase equipment which our play leaders use at play times in the playground to organise fun and active recreation time for children.

P.E. & Sports Premium

Updated: 23/03/2023 292 KB
Updated: 25/11/2022 250 KB
Updated: 25/11/2022 176 KB

Current data on National Curriculum swimming requirements is on the swimming curriculum page