The first staff Pantomime - Cinderella

Teachers at The William Hogarth School staged their first Christmas Pantomime on Tuesday 17th December. The hall was filled to bursting with a fantastic crowd who were in the mood for a celebration. There were moments when children had to be persuaded back to their seats so as not to invade the stage. Heroes were cheered and the villainous Mad Donna was booed. Judging by the reviews just in, it seems the children had an amazing time.

First reviews are in - followed by the photos

Tiannahmai: “I really enjoyed the pantomime and I would love to see another one. It was exciting and immersive (when I got called onto the stage). I think all the staff deserve a treat for that, especially Mr. Harpley, Mr. Hannah and Mr. Chris for cosplaying as women.” Blake: “I was surprised with how excellent the panto was. It had great comedy especially when Trump the dog was actually Donald Trump.” Maryam: “Very funny. Nice to guess which teachers were playing and it was very funny when their wigs were snatched. It was very immersive and very well practiced. I loved the story – very good – they should do it again next year 9/10.” Nils: “I loved it and it was full of laughs. It was funny and exciting but my favourite character was Trump.” Arya: “I really liked it. It was a fun and exciting experience.” Nihal: “It was soooo cool. I loved the part when Ant Dec and Buttons pulled off the wigs from Mad Donna, Taylor and Swift.” Rocky: “I loved the pantomime. It was full of jokes and surprises.” Haa’run: “The pantomime was very entertaining and funny. I was really excited and it was definitely worth. If it happened again, I would certainly watch it. That was the best pantomime I have ever seen.” Violet: “I loved all of the pantomime because I thought it was sooo funny.” Stanley: “It was excellent. My favourite character was Trump because he did a back flip.” Amir: “Very very funny!”